What is Cloud Jacking & Why Should You Worry About It?
Business, Tech Tips
It’s estimated that 82% of the company workload is now cloud-based. Cloud adoption has been on a steady uptick for over a decade and has been accelerated by the pandemic, which required many companies to adjust to fully remote teams.…

Top Things You Need to Know to Prepare for an Upgrade to Windows 11
Business, Tech Tips
With Windows 10 more than halfway through its lifecycle, Microsoft has announced the upcoming release of Windows 11. Any time there is a major upgrade, such as a new OS, there is planning that needs to be done in advance so companies have…

4 Reasons You Should Consider a 3rd Party Mail Filter
Business, Tech Tips
Email is still one of the most used business apps, with employees spending an average of 28% of their day in their email program. It’s the preferred method of communication and is still used widely internally, despite the rise of messaging…

Why Does Phishing Work & Why Is It So Effective?
Business, Tech Tips
Phishing has been around nearly as long as email itself. It began with those “Nigerian Prince” style emails that promised someone a big reward if they just sent a little money to help out a prince. While those emails still circulate,…