Save Time on Research by Using One of 15+ New Data Types in Excel
Tech Tips
Platforms such as Microsoft 365 are making feature updates all the time. Some of them are more impactful than others. For example, a slight tweak to a search bar might be nice, but not make a huge productivity impact. On the other hand,…

5 Important Reasons Your Office Should Consider a 2-Monitor Setup
Business, Tech Tips
If you’re looking for technology investments that will give you the most “bang for your buck,” a fairly inexpensive hardware purchase can equate to a big boost in office productivity. While using two monitors at every workstation…

Why Is Microsoft Edge Outpacing Both Firefox & Safari?
News, Tech Tips
Microsoft Edge currently has about 8% of the global browser market share as of April 2021. That might not seem like a lot at first glance, but in the last 12 months, the user base for the browser has grown by 1300%. Also, during that time…

Firmware Attacks Have Increased 5X in 4 years! Protective Steps You Should Take
News, Tech Tips
Attacks on firmware have been increasing steadily, more than doubling each year over the last four years. It used to be one of those areas of a system that hackers didn’t pay a lot of attention to. However, as more high-profile firmware…