What Are the Best Practices for Implementing a VoIP Phone System?
Business, IT Partner, Tech Tips, VOIPVoIP has several advantages over a landline phone, but it needs to be implemented properly to gain the full advantage. Learn several best practices to use when deploying a VoIP phone system for your business.

Is Shadow IT Use Getting Out of Hand? Here’s How to Fix It
Business, IT Partner, Tech Tips
Do you know all the apps your employees are using? It’s become harder for companies to keep unauthorized cloud use under control due to the increase in work-from-home (WFH) staff. When working from home, employees are often using their…

Why You Need to Think Twice Before Changing a Mobile Phone Number
Business, IT Partner, Tech Tips
Approximately 97% of U.S. adults own a cell phone. The 2020 Census states that there are approximately 258.3 million adults in the U.S., which equates to a whole lot of mobile numbers for carriers to keep track of. When it comes to company-owned…

6 Pro Tips for Organizing Your PC or Cloud Storage Files
Business, IT Partner, Tech Tips
Looking for files can take up a considerable amount of the workday. It’s estimated that employees spend the equivalent of one whole day per week searching for information they need to do their job. That's 19.8% of their business time!…