Watch Out for a New Scammer Tactic

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In today's digital age, scams, and cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect, thereby drastically affecting individuals and organizations. One of the ways cyber-criminals get their victims is through their mobile…

The 8 Everyday Objects Can Result in a Data Security Breach

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In today's digital age, data security is a top priority for everyone from individuals to businesses and governments. With the rise of technology and the increasing reliance on the internet, the threat of a data security breach is becoming…

How to Leverage the Virtual Appointment Feature Coming to MS Teams

The Bookings app in Teams offers an easy way to manage and schedule virtual appointments whether the attendees have Teams or not.
App Fatigue Could Be Hurting Your Security and Productivity

Is App Fatigue Hurting Security & Productivity at Your Office?

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Businesses strive to streamline and optimize their operations with the use of digital technologies. This digitalization aims to help organizations become simpler and more adaptable. It also helps them be more profitable while also making…