Why Your Small Business Needs an IT Partner.
Business, IT PartnerCopperband Technologies can be your expert navigator and IT Partner in all things dealing with technology. Keeping you competitive, secure, and helping you optimize to lower costs.

Business Continuity: Return to Normal Operations After a Critical Event?
Business, Tech TipsWhen you’re in the middle of a crisis that has your business and technology down is not the time you want to start a new relationship with an IT provider. It’s much better to have someone in place that you already work with and that knows your business IT like the back of their hand.

How Do You Choose the Right VoIP Solution & Partner
BusinessCopperband truly cares about each and every VoIP customer we serve. You’re not just “another signup,” to us. We take the time to get to know you, know your needs, help you setup and personally customize your phone system, and are committed to making your company better through technology.

4 Valuable Reasons You Should Be Leveraging Teams in Microsoft 365
BusinessLearn How to Leverage Microsoft Teams at Your Business! Copperband Technologies can get you started with teams, setting up your interface to match organizational flow and teaching you several workflow tips and tricks.