5 Tips For Creating A Permanent (And Productive) Hybrid Office

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Before the Covid-19 pandemic, there were several debates about the viability of working remotely. But, the pandemic encouraged many employers to allow employees to use cloud solutions to conduct their jobs from home. Recently, we have witnessed a significant shift in how work is conducted. Some organizations have moved from the typical 9-5 schedule to a more flexible working relationship. Even after the pandemic, many companies settle for hybrid work arrangements to allow some employees to work remotely. Some statistics reveal that many employees are more productive when they work from their homes, which has brought a conflict between the on-site work environment and remote work.

With different workspaces come lots of advantages and also challenges. While some employees are comfortable with the remote work model, others prefer the traditional work setting. As such, many organizations are adopting the hybrid office. How do you ensure productivity with the on-site and remote employees? Below we’ll discuss some challenges of creating a hybrid office and relevant tips to enhance permanent productivity in a hybrid work environment.

What Is A Hybrid Office?

This is a flexible work arrangement that accommodates the needs of both the on-site and remote workers. Furthermore, it enables employees to work in any environment where they feel most comfortable. 

Challenges of A Hybrid Office

Even though the hybrid office is a flexible work arrangement, it has several shortcomings. Some of its significant pitfalls are:


Many companies rely on the use of technology for communication needs. Unfortunately, technological challenges impede effective communication. Language differences and insufficient power are barriers to communicating correctly in a hybrid office. 

Unequal access to work promotions

Another major constraint to developing a hybrid office is unequal access to work promotions. On-site employees are at an advantage in advancing their careers as compared to their counterparts who work remotely. 

Differences in employee experience

The company culture will not be the same for remote and in-office employees. There will be significant differences in how the employees respond to the work environment, which will influence their decisions in several ways.

How to Develop a Hybrid Office That Works

Many organizations are eager to maintain productivity regardless of their employees’ work environments. The following tips will help you overcome the challenges of the hybrid office and encourage productivity.

Encourage healthy communication 

It is always easy for people to communicate in the physical work environment. However, the hybrid office suggests that people work from various locations. In a work environment survey, about 60% of remote employees complain about not being told important information. When you promote healthy communication in the hybrid office, employees can easily communicate with one another. It also creates trust and encourages your employees to be proactive about engagement with the management teams. 

Proactively Invite Engagement

The barrier created by distance in the hybrid office is disadvantageous to the remote workers. But, you can adopt an approach of encouraging workers to get involved in the decision-making process. It will help them work on their weaknesses and you’ll be more attentive to their needs. Inviting remote workers to engage in the hybrid work conversation can open new ideas that make your company better and more flexible.

Establish boundaries

Many employees have taken advantage of the hybrid work environment to encourage non-work-related activities. Unfortunately, in the hybrid office, you may not be able to control what your employees do at specific times entirely. If you’re not in control of what your remote employees do, it will be a huge challenge considering that there are many distractions for workers working from home. You can establish boundaries by holding regular meetings, providing feedback, and relying on a stipulated agreement.

Provide necessary support

Provide the appropriate technological support for your employees. It will help them stay connected with colleagues, the management team, and clients. All your employees, including in-office and remote workers, must be able to access the same information, tools, and support regardless of the differences in locations. 

Identify personal differences

Your employees are built differently. Some employees may find it very easy to thrive in a given work environment, but others struggle in the same domain. In addition, some of your employees may be very productive when assigned group tasks and others individual tasks. These differences in their personalities are what makes your employees unique. To this effect, you need to understand what works best for your employees and maximize their strengths to ensure productivity in the work environment. 

Contact Us For Help With Your Hybrid Office

The hybrid office is becoming prevalent in many organizations. As an evolving phenomenon, organizations are still trying to figure out the right approach to adopt. Although challenges mitigate the success of a hybrid office, there are still several ways you can enhance productivity in a mixed work environment. Need help in creating a permanent and productive hybrid office? Copperband Technologies can help your Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky business. Contact us at 931.263.8000.