Tag Archive for: Cloud Solutions

6 Smart Ways to Use Microsoft Forms at Your Office
Business, IT Partner, Tech Tips
How does your company handle things like employee or customer satisfaction surveys?
Do you put together a Word document or PDF and email that around to be filled out and emailed back? This can be a time-consuming process that involves…

Is 2021 the Year to Migrate to Virtual Desktops?
Business, IT Partner, Tech Tips
It’s no secret that the pandemic has accelerated a trend that was already happening with a move to cloud workflows. With companies needing to send employees home to work remotely, it became vital to have as many processes as possible…

Cloud Access Security Should Be a Main Priority
IT Partner
Most businesses in Tennessee, Kentucky, and across the country have now transitioned to the cloud. Those that hadn’t made the switch earlier were forced to adapt when remote work became essential during the pandemic. With so much business…