6 Types of Customer-Facing Technology You May Want to Look Into This Year
Business, IT Partner, Tech TipsCustomer-facing technology refers to any technology that is used to interact with and serve customers.

Is Your Business Suffering From Cloud Misconfiguration?
Business, IT Partner, Tech TipsBusiness cloud systems are vulnerable to cloud misconfiguration issues, making it possible for those vulnerabilities to be exploited.

9 Ways You Can Build Cyber Resilience For Your Organization
Business, IT Partner, Tech TipsNo matter how big or small a firm is, security is never perfect. An understanding of this is a giant step toward building cyber resilience.

Hot Tech Trends to Watch Out for In 2023
News, Tech TipsHere are 6 top tech trends to look out for. It is recommended to always look into new tech trends during a year-end review.

8 Ways to Address the Rise in Mobile Malware Attacks
Business, IT Partner, Tech TipsRegardless of the reasons for an uptick in mobile malware attacks, we need to be vigilant in protecting our devices from these threats.

What’s Trending in Data Privacy in 2023?
Business, News, Tech TipsData privacy is becoming the top priority in commercial organizations in response to numerous and well-publicized data breaches.

How To Approach a Year-End Technology Review
Business, IT Partner, Tech TipsA year-end technology review is one of the most commonly used forms of performance appraisal for small businesses.

Easy Steps to a Productive Microsoft Teams Setup
Business, Tech TipsMicrosoft Teams is a tool meant to improve collaboration by allowing team members to discuss ideas, schedule meetings, and exchange notes.

How to Not Sacrifice User Convenience When Setting Up Authentication Security
Business, IT Partner, Tech TipsAdopting MFA (Multi-factor authentication) is now the trending standard for access security and authentication.

Tips to Improve the Security of a BYOD Program
Business, IT Partner, Tech TipsBring your own device, or BYOD, programs are becoming increasingly popular in workplaces as a way to improve employee productivity.