Tag Archive for: phishing

Reply-chain Phishing Attacks Are Rising Fast. Here’s How to Protect Against Them
Business, News, Tech TipsWe can show you how to protect your organization from becoming victims of reply-chain phishing attacks and notice the warning signs.

Smishing is Becoming a BIG Problem! Learn How to Avoid It
Business, Tech Tips
Your mobile phone can be a source of threat if you don’t learn how to secure it. We now live in a mobile-first era where all online and offline activities are accessible at just a snap of your finger. Currently, 91.54% of the global population…

How to Defend Against These Common Attacks Hitting Mobile Devices
IT Partner, Tech TipsHave you ever worked from your mobile phone? If you have, you’re in the majority of people.

4 Helpful Tactics to Lower Your Cloud Expense
Business, Tech Tips
Many SMBs move to the cloud to reduce their costs, so it can come as a nasty surprise when they receive their cloud bill, and it is much higher than expected. While, in theory, the cloud can be a cost-saver, you need to use it strategically…

Cybersecurity Insurance May No Longer Be the Safety Net You Hoped For
Business, IT Partner, News
Cyber-attacks have become commonplace in this day and age. In 2021, it’s estimated that 30,000 websites were hacked each day, while two-thirds of companies worldwide admit they’ve suffered an attempted cyber attack. In this landscape,…

Are You Guilty of Any of These Cyber Hygiene Bad Practices?
Business, Tech Tips
Believe it or not, most of today’s data breaches aren’t the result of complex undertakings by nefarious cyber-criminals. Instead, they result from simple mistakes - on the company’s part - that could have been avoided. In fact, IBM…

4 Helpful Technology Resolutions to Make for the New Year
Business, Tech Tips
With a new year comes new opportunities, new challenges, and new goals. Many of us make new year's resolutions from a personal perspective. Maybe we plan to go to the gym more, eat healthier or even use our cars less. While these are all…

New Disturbing Phishing Trends You Can Expect to Continue in 2022
Business, Tech TipsKeeping up with the latest developments in phishing attacks so you can keep your staff aware is a critical component of good cybersecurity.

How to Use the SLAM Approach to Improve Phishing Detection Skills
Business, Tech Tips
Phishing just never seems to go away and remains the most dangerous threat to company networks. Phishing relies on the ability of the message to trick the user, and this is unfortunately easily done in many cases. Employees continue to…

Safe Holiday Shopping Tips to Promote to Your Employees
Business, Tech Tips
The holiday season has officially arrived, and online shopping is the sport of the season. It’s important for employers to address safe holiday shopping with their teams, even if this seems like more of a personal subject than corporate.…