Tag Archive for: Cloud Solutions

3 Interesting Trends That You’ll See in Cloud Storage This Year
Business, Tech TipsThe rise of cloud services has changed the workplace forever. You can access your files anywhere, anytime on any device!

4 Core Pillars of Cloud Security You Should Be Using to Shape Your Strategy
Business, Tech Tips
The cloud can be great for boosting employee productivity and finding new cost efficiencies. However, it also opens up your organization to new security threats. Recent research suggests that 98% of enterprises have contended…

Microsoft Teams Essentials vs Free Teams vs M365 Teams (What’s the Difference?)
Business, News
Until recently, there were only two types of Microsoft Teams: the free version and the version that comes with the corporate office 365 package. In December 2021, things changed. Microsoft made a big announcement: the launch…

4 Helpful Tactics to Lower Your Cloud Expense
Business, Tech Tips
Many SMBs move to the cloud to reduce their costs, so it can come as a nasty surprise when they receive their cloud bill, and it is much higher than expected. While, in theory, the cloud can be a cost-saver, you need to use it strategically…

Should You Consider Moving to the New Windows 365 Cloud PCs?
The concept of virtual PCs has been around for a while, but it’s never really taken off. That might change post-pandemic now that the hybrid workforce has become the norm. Before the pandemic, 47% of U.S. workers never worked remotely.…

What is Cloud Jacking & Why Should You Worry About It?
Business, Tech Tips
It’s estimated that 82% of the company workload is now cloud-based. Cloud adoption has been on a steady uptick for over a decade and has been accelerated by the pandemic, which required many companies to adjust to fully remote teams.…

5 New Features for Teams Video Meetings That Will Make You Want to Switch
Business, News
Video has become the default meeting mode since the beginning of the pandemic. We’ve become acutely used to “zooming” and the unfortunate issues that arise with unsecured meetings and frozen sound or video. Before the pandemic, the…

40% of Security Pros Say Mobile Devices Are the #1 Threat to Businesses (Learn Why!)
Business, Tech Tips
While businesses were laser-focused on securing computers and servers, devoting much of their IT security budgets to protecting them from a breach, mobile devices have become a major threat. The rise of business cloud apps and mobile device…

Cloud Waste Has Become a Big Problem! Find Out How to Fix It
Business, News, Tech Tips
It’s estimated that nearly a third (32%) of IT budgets will be dedicated to the cloud in 2021. The last five years have been a transition phase for many businesses that included leaving behind legacy on-premises technologies for cloud-based…

2021’s Top Technology Trends You Should Know About
Business, Tech Tips
Heading into 2021, many Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky business owners are trying to anticipate where to focus their technology budgets.
Staying ahead of any new technology advances and trends can mean the difference between playing…